台北有一棟 mall,只有10層樓,裡面卻開了9間「夜店」!
即使在國外,也很少有這麼 “嗨”的大樓可以有這麼多的夜店酒吧,每天凍茲凍茲的!
以我的建議呢...來台北要去夜店或喝一杯的話,不用去別的地方,直接來ATT 4 FUN這棟就對啦~
1. Club Myst
位於ATT 4 Fun 9樓的myst是台灣的大型夜店之一,以走時尚奢華風格為主,舞池寬敞,燈光效果耀眼炫麗,還有戶外空間可以欣賞101夜景的。
2. Chess Taipei
同樣位於9樓的Chest Taipei是一間別具風格的精緻酒吧,今年才入駐台北,與Myst只隔著一道牆,兵馬俑的裝潢和“中式的調酒”讓你印象深刻。
(圖取自Chess Taipei粉絲專頁)
3. Elektro
4. Halo
5. Showbox
位於7-8樓的Showbox一個大型的展演空間,適合舉辦各式各樣的娛樂演唱與藝文活動,當然也包括私人派對。Showbox並非一個每天營業的場所, 但是很多派對活動都會在這裡舉行。如果你運氣好,去Elektro時發覺隔壁竟然也在售票,通常就是私人或公開的派對活動,可以順便購票去參觀一下了。
6. Stream
Stream是一間結合複合式料理與Lounge Bar的時尚夜店,在品味頂級調酒的同時,也能欣賞窗外夜景。若你想從喧囂的舞池圖個清靜,Sream是個讓人回到日常社交、朋友談心的好去處。
8. Wave
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Thursday, June 2, 2016
[台北必遊景點] 來台北一定要去的景點精選!台北女孩教你怎麼玩~
我是一個在台北出生、台北長大的女孩,很多從國外來的朋友會問我台北有麼好玩的地方、好吃的東西,甚至是晚上喝酒的推薦地方... 所以,我想就幫大家精選一些台北當地人喜歡去的地方給來台北玩的朋友們參考囉~
基本上,我會分成3部分:(1) 台北必去景點, (2) 一定要吃的美食, (3) 酒吧 / 夜店。在這篇文章我會先介紹台北一定不能錯過的景點, 尤其是對那些只在台北停留2~4天的旅客朋友們,這些是“精選”的景點, 也就是景點中的景點,一定要去喔~
這裡我根據這些景點的“位置” ,方便大家將比較近的景點可以規劃同一天的行程,但是大家也可以根據你們要停留的天數、和到時候天氣的狀況來決定你們要去的地方喔~
1. 台北101 Taipei 101
2. 中正紀念堂 Chiang Kai-Shek (CKS) Memorial Hall
3. 平溪 Pinxi
1. 故宮博物院 National Palace Museum
這是來台北一定要參觀的景點, 台北故宮博物院裡面有許多當初國民黨政府撤退回台灣時從中國拿的許多寶物(所以現在北京的紫禁城除了建築物本身之外,值錢的東西都在台北故宮博物院 ;p)
2. 地熱谷 Beitou Thermal Valley
北投地熱谷是整個陽明山北投區附近的所有溫泉的發源處,因為他是地底內的硫磺外流,整年高溫潮濕、煙霧瀰漫, 並且曾經有旅客不小心失足掉入死亡,因此當地人稱這裡為『地獄谷』。
3. 北投溫泉博物館 Beitou Hotspring Museum
這是台灣早期日本佔據台灣的時候當時日本天皇來台灣最常去的溫泉,建立於100多年前(1913年),還保留當初木頭建造的建築物之美 。
4. 北投圖書館 Beitou Public Library
北投圖書館是台灣第一個『綠色建築』, 利用建築的結構以及太陽能板來產生自給自足的電力以及光線;大家稱這裡為『樹屋』,我自己人為他像在陽明山上的『諾亞方舟』(世界末日來臨的時候讓我們一起乘上這條船吧~哈), 當地的人也很喜歡到這裡來看書並且放鬆,過個悠閒愉快的下午~
5. 溫泉 Hotsprings
(1) 北投公園露天溫泉浴池 Beitou Park Hotspring
(2) 三二行館 Villa 32
5. 夜市 Night Markets
台北市有許多有名的夜市,這裡我推薦2 個,因為食物的多樣性還有周邊景點可以順便觀光; (夜市通常都是傍晚6點之後攤位才會出來做生意,所以不要太早去夜市喔~)
(1) 龍山寺 Longshan Temple
龍山寺是台北最古老的廟宇之一(建立於西元 1738年), 同時這個區也是台北市很早開發的老區,很多攤販都是做了幾十年的生意了,所以有很多老店可以品嚐~
(2) 饒河街夜市 Raohe Street Night Market
台北有一間很有名的“馬祖廟”『松山慈祐宮』旁邊的夜市就是『饒河街夜市』(建立於西元 1753年),來台灣玩,如果沒機會參加一年一度的台灣宗教最大盛事『媽祖遶境』,至少可以來松山慈祐宮媽祖廟參觀一下喔~
1. 九份 Jiufen
一個充滿台灣早期採礦時代的悲情之都 - 九分;他有著一個特殊的地形,靠海的山坡地,上面的建築都是早期人民在那裡所建築的舊式房子,據說『宮崎駿』的卡通『神隱少女』的一些景色就是根據這裡的特殊景色來的靈感。還有侯孝賢有名的電影『悲情城市』也是在這裡拍攝的。
** Taipei MRT map 台北捷運圖
基本上,我會分成3部分:(1) 台北必去景點, (2) 一定要吃的美食, (3) 酒吧 / 夜店。在這篇文章我會先介紹台北一定不能錯過的景點, 尤其是對那些只在台北停留2~4天的旅客朋友們,這些是“精選”的景點, 也就是景點中的景點,一定要去喔~
這裡我根據這些景點的“位置” ,方便大家將比較近的景點可以規劃同一天的行程,但是大家也可以根據你們要停留的天數、和到時候天氣的狀況來決定你們要去的地方喔~
1. 台北101 Taipei 101
2. 中正紀念堂 Chiang Kai-Shek (CKS) Memorial Hall
中正紀念堂的白色建築是他的特色 |
3. 平溪 Pinxi
- 如何到達平溪:
(1) 做捷運MRT 到:台北車站
(2) 轉搭台灣鐵路:依照指示往『台灣鐵路』方向出口
(3) 台灣鐵路櫃台購買火車票:至『平溪』
** 搭乘火車前往平溪會需要在:『瑞芳』轉車,所以記得要在『瑞芳站』先下車,然後詢問工作人員如何搭乘前往『平溪』的火車喔~平溪老街的夜空佈滿了許多天燈 將你的願望寫在天燈上
1. 故宮博物院 National Palace Museum
這是來台北一定要參觀的景點, 台北故宮博物院裡面有許多當初國民黨政府撤退回台灣時從中國拿的許多寶物(所以現在北京的紫禁城除了建築物本身之外,值錢的東西都在台北故宮博物院 ;p)
- 開放時間:早上8:30~18:30
- 如何到達故宮博物院:
(1) 搭乘捷運 MRT 紅線到:『士林』站, 1號出口(EXIT 1)
(2) 搭乘巴士 BUS:紅30, 小18, 小19, 255, 304, or 815 (大約 5 分鐘,公車票價新台幣15元), 坐到故宮博物院下車。或是,
(3) 捷運下車後,直接搭乘計程車去『故宮博物院』, 很近(計程車錢大約新台幣10元)
2. 地熱谷 Beitou Thermal Valley
北投地熱谷是整個陽明山北投區附近的所有溫泉的發源處,因為他是地底內的硫磺外流,整年高溫潮濕、煙霧瀰漫, 並且曾經有旅客不小心失足掉入死亡,因此當地人稱這裡為『地獄谷』。
3. 北投溫泉博物館 Beitou Hotspring Museum
這是台灣早期日本佔據台灣的時候當時日本天皇來台灣最常去的溫泉,建立於100多年前(1913年),還保留當初木頭建造的建築物之美 。
北投溫泉博物館 |
北投圖書館是台灣第一個『綠色建築』, 利用建築的結構以及太陽能板來產生自給自足的電力以及光線;大家稱這裡為『樹屋』,我自己人為他像在陽明山上的『諾亞方舟』(世界末日來臨的時候讓我們一起乘上這條船吧~哈), 當地的人也很喜歡到這裡來看書並且放鬆,過個悠閒愉快的下午~
北投圖書館 |
(1) 北投公園露天溫泉浴池 Beitou Park Hotspring
- 價錢:新台幣40元/每人
- 這裡規定要穿泳衣、泳褲,所以要準備泳衣、才能進來泡溫泉(如果真的沒有,也可以在現場買喔~)
北投公園露天溫泉浴池 |
5. 夜市 Night Markets
台北市有許多有名的夜市,這裡我推薦2 個,因為食物的多樣性還有周邊景點可以順便觀光; (夜市通常都是傍晚6點之後攤位才會出來做生意,所以不要太早去夜市喔~)
(1) 龍山寺 Longshan Temple
龍山寺是台北最古老的廟宇之一(建立於西元 1738年), 同時這個區也是台北市很早開發的老區,很多攤販都是做了幾十年的生意了,所以有很多老店可以品嚐~
(2) 饒河街夜市 Raohe Street Night Market
台北有一間很有名的“馬祖廟”『松山慈祐宮』旁邊的夜市就是『饒河街夜市』(建立於西元 1753年),來台灣玩,如果沒機會參加一年一度的台灣宗教最大盛事『媽祖遶境』,至少可以來松山慈祐宮媽祖廟參觀一下喔~
1. 九份 Jiufen
一個充滿台灣早期採礦時代的悲情之都 - 九分;他有著一個特殊的地形,靠海的山坡地,上面的建築都是早期人民在那裡所建築的舊式房子,據說『宮崎駿』的卡通『神隱少女』的一些景色就是根據這裡的特殊景色來的靈感。還有侯孝賢有名的電影『悲情城市』也是在這裡拍攝的。
- 如何到達九份:
(1) 捷運MRT 藍線(或是 黃線) 至:『忠孝復興』, 往1號出口(Exit 1)
(2) 會看到一個很多巴士停留的地方,去那裡搭乘 1062 號巴士前往九份 (大約 2 小時)
(1) 和別人一起共同直接搭乘計程車前往九份 (大約一個多小時, 計程車價錢約新台幣1500左右(一台車,如果多人一起搭乘可以分攤)
夜晚的九份老街 |
白天的九份老街 |
九份特殊的地形 |
** Taipei MRT map 台北捷運圖
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
MUST EAT foods in Taipei - best advises from a local foodie
(1) Beef Noodles 牛肉麵:
★ Lin Don Fang Beef Noodles 林東芳牛肉麵
The reason for me to recommend this one is it uses the beef shank and cook it as tender as it can be; they have home-made "chilly sauce" provided on each table for you to taste (just use the spoon and take a small portion into your beef soup), and which was made of the oil extracted from the beef, smells extremely tasty and you've got to try some. The environment of this restaurant is like street food, it's crowded and sometimes with long lines to wait, but it's definitely worth to try!
★ Mango ice 芒果冰:
Smoothie House 思慕昔 (永康街15號冰館) is the original 1st store with it's high quality and luscious mango ice known by the world, and this is one you can NOT miss in Taiwan, i promise you would feel like living in heaven when you taste this sweet, fresh, juicy, and delightful mango ice!
Tai-I 台一牛奶大王 is probably one of the oldest traditional ice shop (since 1956), and it provides very traditional flavors ice and sweet hot soup (with traditional Tangyuan, Sesame Tangyuan, Peanut Tangyuan, etc.). I personally highly recommend you to try the mix of Red beans 紅豆 + Green beans 綠豆 ice in the summer, same most Japanese love all the sweet Red beans deserts, red beans could never be wrong, but in the summer, you'd need some icy and fresh taste to cool you down a bit, then mix half of Green beans would really help!
If you come visiting in winter, and you really need something sweet to warm your hear and body instead of hot chocolate... try the Red Bean Hot Soup with Sesame Tangyuan (or Peanut Tangyuan), this is very traditional desert, and don't tell others you've visited Taiwan if you never try this! :)
★ Din Tai Feng 鼎泰豐, I'd say it's the best XiaoLongBao in the world (believe me, i've tried the most famous one in Shanghai and Beijing), no one could beat this Din Tai Feng (if you're as picky as me to the foods :)). There're many branches and I also tried the Hong Kong branch, Japan branch, and Beijing branch, again, the best one is in Taipei - it's original store. Besides XiaoLongBao (Pork) is the one you must order, i personally highly recommend you also try: Steamed Fish Dumpling 鮮魚蒸餃 (you'd taste the juicy fresh fish once you take a bite), and the Truffle and Pork XiaoLongBao 松露小籠包 (if you're fancy about truffle..., my french friends were moved when they had this one); also, their House Steamed Chicken Soup 雞湯, Pork Chop Fried 炸豬排, and Shrimp Fried Rice 蝦仁蛋炒飯 are also good (if you have some room for them. :p).
They are many stores in Taipei, you can pick any one convenient for you, and below is the original first store.
We have sooooooo many good local seafood restaurants, most of them are noisy and crowded, and that's where we like to drink and hangout after work or school. Here I'll just listed 2 restaurants I personally would bring my friends to:
★ Addiction Aquatic Development 上引水產, it located in the fish market, with all the living fresh sea creatures for you to eat, and they would make it as dish for you (you could choose the cooking style you'd like them to make, BBQ, steam, fried, etc.). Definitely a good place for a seafood lover!
★ DaKaShengMengHaiChan 打咔生猛活海鮮, it's a popular one and normally it'd be crowded, just wait for few minutes and you'll get a table. One of the good things in Taipei restaurants is, most the people here are very friendly, they'd try to understand you as they could, so in any restaurant if you don't know how to order... you could just use your finger to point the other tables' dishes that look yummy for you ha!!
★ Tai Ho Dien 太和殿, is the spicy hotpot me and my friends love, they have mixed Chinese herbals with the spices as their flagship spicy hotpot, which makes it have a very strong and irresistible smell. Don't worry if you can't eat too spicy food, you could order a pot with half spicy side and half normal (non-spicy side), and also ask them to provide the "mild spicy" for the spicy side. Here are the ones you should order:
Deep Fried Meat Ball 川丸子, Fish Dumplings 魚餃, Handmade Shrimp Balls 手工蝦丸, Shin Chu Mushroom Meat Ball 香菇貢丸, Frozen Dofu 凍豆腐, any meat you prefer (I'll recommend Prime Short Rib as beef 雪花牛肉), the traditional Chinese bread (Deep Fried Stick Dough 老油條), and some vegetables.
★ Long Du 龍都酒樓, many said they have the best roasted duck in Taipei, the only small problem to try their roasted duck is, you need to have someone to call for you to make a reservation at least 1 week ago (so ask anyone in Taipei you know to call to book for you!), just try their flagship roasted ducks and order 1-2 other dishes which is already a great meal!
★ Shin Yeh Taiwanese cuisine 欣葉台菜, is one famous Taiwanese traditional cuisine restaurant that almost every Taipei kids had been there, since our parents love this restaurant and always bring us to dine there. Their waiters / waitress speak English and Japanese, and they'll help you to order some famous traditional dishes. They have many branches in Taipei, I'd recommend you to the one located in Taipei 101 building 85th floor (you can book it via their website), where you could try Traditional Taiwanese cuisine yet have the beautiful view from top to see the Taipei city.:))
But, you could only order their sets in that branch, and if you think which might be too much for you, you can go to other stores and below I list their original store's address. Here're some traditional Taiwanese dishes you should try: 菜脯蛋 (Pan fried omelet with vegetables inside) 、地瓜稀飯 (sweet potato congee)、豬腳 (Stewed pork)、嫩煎豬肝 (lightly friend pork liver)、蚵仔酥 (fried oysters)、三杯中卷 (3-cups calamari), etc..
** Taipei MRT map
★ Lin Don Fang Beef Noodles 林東芳牛肉麵
The reason for me to recommend this one is it uses the beef shank and cook it as tender as it can be; they have home-made "chilly sauce" provided on each table for you to taste (just use the spoon and take a small portion into your beef soup), and which was made of the oil extracted from the beef, smells extremely tasty and you've got to try some. The environment of this restaurant is like street food, it's crowded and sometimes with long lines to wait, but it's definitely worth to try!
- How to get there:
- It located between 2 MRT stations (of the BROWN line): either Nanjing Fuxing or Zhonfxiao Fuxing, and takes 10 mins walk from either one; Or,
- Grab a taxi bring you to: 林東芳牛肉麵 (address: 八德路二段274號) - Opens on Monday to Saturday: 11:00am~03:00am (closed on Sunday)
Lin Don Fang Beef Noodles Home made chilly sauce
★ Mango ice 芒果冰:
Smoothie House 思慕昔 (永康街15號冰館) is the original 1st store with it's high quality and luscious mango ice known by the world, and this is one you can NOT miss in Taiwan, i promise you would feel like living in heaven when you taste this sweet, fresh, juicy, and delightful mango ice!
- How to get there:
- Take MRT RED line to: Dongmen station 東門站, EXIT 5 - Opens everyday: 10:00-23:00
Mango Ice
Tai-I 台一牛奶大王 is probably one of the oldest traditional ice shop (since 1956), and it provides very traditional flavors ice and sweet hot soup (with traditional Tangyuan, Sesame Tangyuan, Peanut Tangyuan, etc.). I personally highly recommend you to try the mix of Red beans 紅豆 + Green beans 綠豆 ice in the summer, same most Japanese love all the sweet Red beans deserts, red beans could never be wrong, but in the summer, you'd need some icy and fresh taste to cool you down a bit, then mix half of Green beans would really help!
If you come visiting in winter, and you really need something sweet to warm your hear and body instead of hot chocolate... try the Red Bean Hot Soup with Sesame Tangyuan (or Peanut Tangyuan), this is very traditional desert, and don't tell others you've visited Taiwan if you never try this! :)
- How to get there:
- Take MRT GREEN line to: Gongguan station 公館站, EXIT 3 - Opens everyday: 11:00~24:00
Red Beans Ice Sweet Red Bean Hot Soup with Sesame Tangyuan
★ Din Tai Feng 鼎泰豐, I'd say it's the best XiaoLongBao in the world (believe me, i've tried the most famous one in Shanghai and Beijing), no one could beat this Din Tai Feng (if you're as picky as me to the foods :)). There're many branches and I also tried the Hong Kong branch, Japan branch, and Beijing branch, again, the best one is in Taipei - it's original store. Besides XiaoLongBao (Pork) is the one you must order, i personally highly recommend you also try: Steamed Fish Dumpling 鮮魚蒸餃 (you'd taste the juicy fresh fish once you take a bite), and the Truffle and Pork XiaoLongBao 松露小籠包 (if you're fancy about truffle..., my french friends were moved when they had this one); also, their House Steamed Chicken Soup 雞湯, Pork Chop Fried 炸豬排, and Shrimp Fried Rice 蝦仁蛋炒飯 are also good (if you have some room for them. :p).
They are many stores in Taipei, you can pick any one convenient for you, and below is the original first store.
- How to get there:
- Take MRT RED line to: Dongmen station 東門站, EXIT 5 - Monday to Friday: 10:00~21:00
(only this Xinyi store closed in the weekend, others remained open in the weekend)Pork Xiao Long Bao
We have sooooooo many good local seafood restaurants, most of them are noisy and crowded, and that's where we like to drink and hangout after work or school. Here I'll just listed 2 restaurants I personally would bring my friends to:
★ Addiction Aquatic Development 上引水產, it located in the fish market, with all the living fresh sea creatures for you to eat, and they would make it as dish for you (you could choose the cooking style you'd like them to make, BBQ, steam, fried, etc.). Definitely a good place for a seafood lover!
- How to get there:
- It's not near any MRT station, so just call a TAXI
(it located in central Taipei, so it won't cost less than 200TWD for the taxi fee). - Opens everyday: 6:00~24:00
Pick any live sea creatures in Addiction Aquatic Development |
★ DaKaShengMengHaiChan 打咔生猛活海鮮, it's a popular one and normally it'd be crowded, just wait for few minutes and you'll get a table. One of the good things in Taipei restaurants is, most the people here are very friendly, they'd try to understand you as they could, so in any restaurant if you don't know how to order... you could just use your finger to point the other tables' dishes that look yummy for you ha!!
- How to get there:
- Take MRT RED or GREEN line to: Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall station, EXIT 3 - Opens everyday: 16:00~02:00am
People enjoy having dinner with beer after work or school
★ Tai Ho Dien 太和殿, is the spicy hotpot me and my friends love, they have mixed Chinese herbals with the spices as their flagship spicy hotpot, which makes it have a very strong and irresistible smell. Don't worry if you can't eat too spicy food, you could order a pot with half spicy side and half normal (non-spicy side), and also ask them to provide the "mild spicy" for the spicy side. Here are the ones you should order:
Deep Fried Meat Ball 川丸子, Fish Dumplings 魚餃, Handmade Shrimp Balls 手工蝦丸, Shin Chu Mushroom Meat Ball 香菇貢丸, Frozen Dofu 凍豆腐, any meat you prefer (I'll recommend Prime Short Rib as beef 雪花牛肉), the traditional Chinese bread (Deep Fried Stick Dough 老油條), and some vegetables.
- How to get there:
- Xin Yi An He station, EXIT 5
- and go straight to Taipei 101 direction about 5 minutes walk - Opens everyday: 12:00~03:00am
You can order half spicy and half non-spicy hot pot
★ Long Du 龍都酒樓, many said they have the best roasted duck in Taipei, the only small problem to try their roasted duck is, you need to have someone to call for you to make a reservation at least 1 week ago (so ask anyone in Taipei you know to call to book for you!), just try their flagship roasted ducks and order 1-2 other dishes which is already a great meal!
- How to get there:
- Call a taxi to: 中山北路一段105巷18之1號 (龍都酒樓)
(it's in central Taipei, cost you within 200TWD for the taxi fee). - Opens: 11:30~14:30, 17:45~21:30
Chief slice the roasted duck for you at your table
★ Shin Yeh Taiwanese cuisine 欣葉台菜, is one famous Taiwanese traditional cuisine restaurant that almost every Taipei kids had been there, since our parents love this restaurant and always bring us to dine there. Their waiters / waitress speak English and Japanese, and they'll help you to order some famous traditional dishes. They have many branches in Taipei, I'd recommend you to the one located in Taipei 101 building 85th floor (you can book it via their website), where you could try Traditional Taiwanese cuisine yet have the beautiful view from top to see the Taipei city.:))
But, you could only order their sets in that branch, and if you think which might be too much for you, you can go to other stores and below I list their original store's address. Here're some traditional Taiwanese dishes you should try: 菜脯蛋 (Pan fried omelet with vegetables inside) 、地瓜稀飯 (sweet potato congee)、豬腳 (Stewed pork)、嫩煎豬肝 (lightly friend pork liver)、蚵仔酥 (fried oysters)、三杯中卷 (3-cups calamari), etc..
- How to get there:
- Call a taxi to: 雙城街34-1號 (欣葉台菜) - Opens: 11:00~24:00
Stewed Pork |
Sweet Potato Congee (traditional Taiwanese eat this everyday) |
Pan fried omelet with vegetables inside |
Pickled Clams |
3-cups calamari |
** Taipei MRT map
Monday, May 2, 2016
MUST GO places in Taipei - advises from a local girl
I've always been asked by friends to give some advise about where to go, what to eat, or even where to drink in Taipei as a born and raised local girl, and I think, it'd be better if I could just write them down as a useful guide to help more tourists visiting Taipei.
Basically, I'll give them 3 guides: (1) Places to go, (2) Foods to eat, (3) Bars / Clubs to have fun. And in this post, I'll list these MUST-GO places to go first especially if you only stay Taipei for 2-4 fays.
Here I divided into few days trips based on these places' locations (i put the nearby places to visit in the same day), but you could definitely based on your situation such as, days to stay, weather, or your preference to arrange the best plan fits you! :)
[Day 1]
1. Taipei 101 台北101
2. Chiang Kai-Shek (CKS) Memorial Hall 中正紀念堂
3. Pinxi 平溪
It is recommended that you go there in the afternoon, so that you can see all the lanterns with fire flying in the dark sky and it's extremely beautiful. People go there would buy a lantern (around TWD100) and write your wishes on the lantern (it's big), and then you could fire it and let it fly to the sky, it is believed that your wishes would become true if the god had received your sky lantern. :)
1. National Palace Museum 故宮博物院
A must visit place in Taipei, it has lots of treasures we took while we retreated from China (so the Beijing one has nothing left, only the building. :p)
2. Beitou Thermal Valley 地熱谷
It's the source of all the hotsprings in Beitou (北投) area located in Yang-Ming mountain (陽明山), as it's full of sulfur and steam, very hot and smoky, and one tourist had fall down into it and was burned to die, local people also call it as "Hell Valley".
Built in more than 100 years ago (year 1913), which was the most luxury hotspring at that time, and also favored by Japanese emperor.
4. Beitou Public Library 北投圖書館
This library located in the mountain and is the 1st "green building" in Taiwan, people said its just like a "tree house", i personally think it's like an "Noah's Ark" in a mountain (let's go on this ark together while the end of the world comes! ha!), and local people love to go there to read and relax.
5. Hotsprings溫泉
After visiting Hell Valley and the Hotspring Museum, you could then enjoy soaking in the hotspring and let your body relaxed. Here I'd recommend 2 hotsprings:
(1) Beitou Park Hotspring 北投公園露天溫泉浴池
This a public one, there're 6 pools and you could see many local people there to enjoy their lives.
This is one i personal like to go, as it's near the Xinbeitou MRT station and it seats beside the mountain, you could see the beautiful Yang-Ming mountain while soaking in the hotspring. And they offer public pool and private room, i'd recommend you just go to the "Public pool" and being naked to become a local people to enjoy the life with others. :)
5. Night Markets 夜市
There're many night markets in Taipei, and here I'll recommend 2 I personal like a lot based on the foods varieties and specialty. (Night market opens after 6pm and until midnight, so don't go there too early!)
(1) Longshan Temple 龍山寺
I'd highly recommend you go this one as you can also visit one of the most ancient temples in Taipei (built in year 1738), at the same time surf in the big night market and enjoy all kinds of delicious foods here.
(2) Raohe Street Night Market 饒河街夜市
There's one very antique and beautiful temple called Ciyou Temple (松山慈祐宮) built for Matsu in year 1753.
[Day 3]
1. Jiufen 九份
A place with many special straits for it's unique topography become a unique mountain town in the early times of Taiwan, here you could see many ancitent Taiwan style builds and know how the people live in the time.
Also, Jiufen is the place where a famous movie was taken there - A City of Sadness, also, it is said that the Jiufen is the place where Miyazaki Hayao came out the scene places of the animation movie - Spirited Away (千と千尋の神隠し/せんとちひろのかみかくし).
** Taipei MRT map
Basically, I'll give them 3 guides: (1) Places to go, (2) Foods to eat, (3) Bars / Clubs to have fun. And in this post, I'll list these MUST-GO places to go first especially if you only stay Taipei for 2-4 fays.
Here I divided into few days trips based on these places' locations (i put the nearby places to visit in the same day), but you could definitely based on your situation such as, days to stay, weather, or your preference to arrange the best plan fits you! :)
[Day 1]
1. Taipei 101 台北101
2. Chiang Kai-Shek (CKS) Memorial Hall 中正紀念堂
Chiang Kai-Shek (CKS) Memorial Hall |
3. Pinxi 平溪
It is recommended that you go there in the afternoon, so that you can see all the lanterns with fire flying in the dark sky and it's extremely beautiful. People go there would buy a lantern (around TWD100) and write your wishes on the lantern (it's big), and then you could fire it and let it fly to the sky, it is believed that your wishes would become true if the god had received your sky lantern. :)
- How to get there:
(1) Take MRT to: Taipei Main Station (台北車站)
(2) go to Taiwan Railway Station Exit (台灣鐵路)
(3) buy a ticket to: Pinxi (平溪) (the best way is you just ask the counter)
** You need to transfer to another train at: Raifang (瑞芳): Get-off at Raifang station (瑞芳站) and ask the people where to take the train to: Pinxi (平溪)All the Sky lanterns are flying in the sky Write your wish on the lantern and fire it up
1. National Palace Museum 故宮博物院
A must visit place in Taipei, it has lots of treasures we took while we retreated from China (so the Beijing one has nothing left, only the building. :p)
- Open daily: 8:30~18:30
- How to get there:
(1) Take MRT RED line to: Shilin (士林), EXIT 1.
(2) then take BUS: 紅30, 小18, 小19, 255, 304, or 815 (around 5 mins, cost TWD15), get off at 故宮博物院; or,
(3) just call a taxi, it's not far (cost around TWD100).
2. Beitou Thermal Valley 地熱谷
It's the source of all the hotsprings in Beitou (北投) area located in Yang-Ming mountain (陽明山), as it's full of sulfur and steam, very hot and smoky, and one tourist had fall down into it and was burned to die, local people also call it as "Hell Valley".
- How to get there:
(1) take MRT RED line to: Beitou (北投)
(2) then take a side line (PINK) to: Xinbeitou (新北投) - Closed on Monday
Beitou Thermal Valley
Built in more than 100 years ago (year 1913), which was the most luxury hotspring at that time, and also favored by Japanese emperor.
Beitou Hotspring Museum |
This library located in the mountain and is the 1st "green building" in Taiwan, people said its just like a "tree house", i personally think it's like an "Noah's Ark" in a mountain (let's go on this ark together while the end of the world comes! ha!), and local people love to go there to read and relax.
Beitou Public Library |
After visiting Hell Valley and the Hotspring Museum, you could then enjoy soaking in the hotspring and let your body relaxed. Here I'd recommend 2 hotsprings:
(1) Beitou Park Hotspring 北投公園露天溫泉浴池
This a public one, there're 6 pools and you could see many local people there to enjoy their lives.
- Cost: TWD40/ppl
- You need to bring your SWIMMING SUIT to get into the pool
Beitou Park Hotspring |
This is one i personal like to go, as it's near the Xinbeitou MRT station and it seats beside the mountain, you could see the beautiful Yang-Ming mountain while soaking in the hotspring. And they offer public pool and private room, i'd recommend you just go to the "Public pool" and being naked to become a local people to enjoy the life with others. :)
5. Night Markets 夜市
There're many night markets in Taipei, and here I'll recommend 2 I personal like a lot based on the foods varieties and specialty. (Night market opens after 6pm and until midnight, so don't go there too early!)
(1) Longshan Temple 龍山寺
I'd highly recommend you go this one as you can also visit one of the most ancient temples in Taipei (built in year 1738), at the same time surf in the big night market and enjoy all kinds of delicious foods here.
(2) Raohe Street Night Market 饒河街夜市
There's one very antique and beautiful temple called Ciyou Temple (松山慈祐宮) built for Matsu in year 1753.
[Day 3]
1. Jiufen 九份
A place with many special straits for it's unique topography become a unique mountain town in the early times of Taiwan, here you could see many ancitent Taiwan style builds and know how the people live in the time.
Also, Jiufen is the place where a famous movie was taken there - A City of Sadness, also, it is said that the Jiufen is the place where Miyazaki Hayao came out the scene places of the animation movie - Spirited Away (千と千尋の神隠し/せんとちひろのかみかくし).
- How to get there:
(1) Take MRT BLUE (or Yellow) line to: Zhongxiao Fuxing station (忠孝復興), Exit 1.
(2) then take BUS #1062 (take 2 hours to go to Jiufen);
(1) take TAXI (around 1 hour from Taipei to Jiufen, and approximately 1200~1500TWD/per car, you can share with others if you have more people)
Jiufen streets - Taiwanese old time style |
Jiufen streets |
Jiufen is a mountain town |
** Taipei MRT map
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